Functions1. To keep a vigil and stop the incidences of Ragging. If any, happening reported in the places of student aggregation including Classrooms, Canteens, Grounds etc. 2. To educate the students at large by adopting various means about the menace of ragging and related punishments thereto. 3. To adopt positive reinforcement activities for orienting students and moulding their personalities for a better cause. 4. To prohibit any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student. 5. To prohibit rowdy or undisciplined activities by students or students which causes or is likely to cause any hardship, annoyance or psychological harm to raise fear in any fresher. 6. To make students aware of the anti-ragging act and the punishments therein so that asking any student to do any act which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such a student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher; to eliminate ragging in all its forms from institution 7. To prohibit ragging under these regulations, preventing its occurrence and punishing those who indulge in ragging as provided for in the regulations and the appropriate law in force. Functions of anti-raggingSquad: - 1. To be vigilant at all hours including at odd hours all around the campus and other places vulnerable to incidents of, and having the potential of ragging and shall be empowered to inspect such places. 2. Conduct anonymous random surveys among students to check whether the campus is indeed free from ragging. 3. To conduct an on-the-spot enquiry into any incident of ragging referred to it by the principal or any member of the staff, faculty, student, parent, guardian or any other person and the enquiry report along with recommendation shall be submitted to the anti-ragging committee for action under clauses (a) Of regulation 9.1 of UGC. 4. To ensure the display of posters on notice boards and places such as canteen, library and other prominent places. 5. Any other activity, the anti-ragging committee might delegate to the squad. |