Dept. of Pharmacology


The discipline of pharmacology deals with the studies related to interaction of drugs and living beings. The Department of Pharmacology provides a vibrant and dynamic environment for conducting high quality research and teaching. Students enrolled in undergraduate degrees are taught by the department in all the four years of their study. Collectively the department is committed to teaching practices. There is a strong and growing research environment in the Department of Pharmacology covering a range of research areas.
The animal ethical committee set up on CPCSEA guideline owns an “Animal House 

Giving all the necessary care & facilities for hygienic housing of laboratory animals like Wistar rats, Swiss Albino mice & rabbits required for study. The laboratory is well equipped with latest instruments like sterotaxic instrument, digital rat paw plethysmometer, digital rota-rod apparatus, digital elevated plus maze, electric convulsometer, digital analgesiometer, histamine chamber, digital swimming rate test apparatus etc. Others routinely required instruments like student's organ bath, Sherington's Kymograph, sphygmomanometers, haemometers & haemocytometers are present in good number for handling by undergraduate’s student.